- Nama Rumah Kost: Armes Residence
- Alamat Kost: Jl. Kemang Utara IV No. 14, Jakarta Selatan
- No. Telepon: 08161813804 / 081510379792
- Harga Sewa: Range Rp 12.500.000 – Rp 15.000.000 per month
- Tempat Kost Untuk: All
- Mayoritas Penghuni: Expatriate
- Ukuran Kamar: About 50 – 75 m2
- Jumlah Kamar: 4
- Sekamar Boleh Berdua: Ya
- Biaya Tambahan Sekamar Berdua: Rp 2.500.000 per month
- Fasilitas:
- All complete / spring bed big size
- Wi-fi
- Cable tv
- Laundry
- Electricity included
- Service apartment facility, and more
- Fasilitas Umum:
- Big dinning room
- Big living room
- Car park can be for 10 cars
- Office room
- Swimming pool, and more
- Fasilitas Sekitar:
- Grocery
- Pizza restaurant
- Many coffee shops
- Mc Donald
- Hotels, and more
- Parkir Mobil: Yes
- Parkir Motor: Yes
- Waktu Bertamu: Any time depends on occasion
- Akses Lokasi: Close McDonald, easy to access with 2 ways road
- Info Tambahan: Big garden with safe & quiet area
- E-mail: alfianjayadinata@gmail.com
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